Future Absence Request Form
Please use this form to request a future absence or a remote learning absence. Please read this carefully.
Pre-approved absence requests must be submitted at least 5 days in advance. If it is not, it will not be approved. Pre-approved absences are only approved for once in a lifetime events. Students are still responsible for making up any classwork or assessments that are missed. After submission, Ms. Sam Bradley will let you know within 72 hours if your request was approved or denied.
Remote learning requests can be submitted at any time. However, remote learning can only occur if there are no major assessments being given on the requested day(s). Remote learning is not allowed outside the country. Students are allowed 5 remote learning days per semester per FCS Board policy. Once Ms. Westbrooks verifies there are no majors being given, the teacher will be given the request and will send remote learning work close to the date(s) requested. If you do not hear anything within 72 hours, the request is approved and you are waiting on the teacher to send remote work. Otherwise, if the request is denied, you will hear from Ms. Sam Bradley within the 72 hours.
All forms should be completed and emailed to Ms. Sam Bradley at WCESResidency@fultonschools.org.